(Yes, the weather was hot! What do you expect? After all we are traveling in southern Alabama in June! And to tell you the truth I've lived in Alabama for ____, well, ummmm, let's see, ALL MY LIFE, and I do not remember the weather in June being this hot and dry for this long! Whew now that was a long windy sentence!!)
Back to my story...
After spending time in the downtown historic district (you must see the homes...to die for!)
we drove to the Lodge! Lakepoint Lodge has been totally renovated from top to bottom and it is quite welcoming!
Sooooo cool! Love the glass and metal!
The fabulous view from the dining area...
No people here, too hot! They were all gathered at the pool and in the water!!
One of several dining areas...
Breakfast was over and lunch was being prepared, thus the empty room!
The decor is lodge y "Arts & Crafts"...(making a big comeback with many young marrieds today)
This bent twig chair is very comfortable. I can see a couple parked on my front porch!
Can't you just see this table behind a sofa as well...
(I wanted to "style" this table!)
I really wanted to load this pretty girl and bring back home with me! She would make a lovely statement in a foyer...
("Did you notice the legs on these old gals?" asked my friend. "Sweet!")
Pretty good reproductions, wouldn't you say?
Check-in over, now on to the important area for hot, tired travelers...
Lake view from our balcony...
Not only does Lakepoint Resort offer a lodge but cottages on the lake, cabins, and camping facilities! Hiking trails (too hot this weekend!), pool (yep, stayed in it!), golf, boating, fishing were some of the activities available. Check it out the next time you are in this area.
Now for a thrifty find...
Out junkin' with my friend, we stopped at a little thrift store. When I say little, I'm talking really small! But it was packed with treasures and I spied this dirty tin tile! Purchase price...wait for it...$1. I was pretty excited!
After paint, some distressing, I layered old music sheets in the frame! I think it turned out pretty nice! I may add a "WELCOME" saying and hang it beside my front door! What do you think?
Partying with Linda at Coastal Charm...

Hitch a ride on the yellow golf cart and putt-putt on over!
(This cart was a nifty find too. It was a little rich for my blood however! Sorry, I can't remember the exact price but it was more than I was willing to pay that day! So I decided to leave it for the next shopper to ride home!)
Have a Blessed Day!! And see ya down the junkin' road!!