What can I say? I'm truly my aunt's niece and the apple did not fall too far from the tree!!
She loved glass! American made glass! I grew up knowing names such as depression glass, Fostoria, Cambridge, Candlewick, Fenton, Milk glass, Westmoreland, to name just a few!
On a recent road trip
my friend and me stopped at an antique mall just to look...with no
must-haves on the list! As we were oohing and ahhhing over different items...
(Now I must admit I have
an obsession a mild fondness for
pink glass! I stayed at this showcase a loooooong time!!
Just sayin'... )
Then "what to my 'wandering' eyes should appear..." around the corner...
could it be...walkin' closer...
holdin' my breath...
MILK GLASS!! A lovely punch bowl with stand and punch cups! This where you should see my
'happy' dance!!
Hoping beyond hope that it is
Westmoreland milk glass I ventured closer.
Westmoreland was founded by two brothers in Pennsylvania in 1889. In its heyday the company was in the mix of American glass manufacturing creating many styles and colors. Later one brother sold out to the other and milk glass became the bread and butter of sales. Paneled grape was one of the most popular. Unfortunately by 1984 the company was sold and closed for good to become a storage unit.
STORAGE PLACE, seriously, really...
Now I must get on my
soapbox for a moment...it hurts me to see so much of our American artistry, creativeness, and ingenuity
gone just gone...
okay back to my story...
It was marked by the seller
Westmoreland...14 pieces..missing a ladle...ahhh pretty!!
Unfortunately the punch set did not go home with me...
:( But it helped to renew my interest and search for great American made glass!!
Have a Blessed Day!! And see ya down the
junkin' road!!
Go say hello to
Linda at
Coastal Charm and check out her birthday
giveaway. Tell her I sent you over for a visit!

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