While combing the aisles ("Y'all would think that the sunscreen would be conveniently located in the front of the store, but oh no...", says my friend) So to turn this little trip (Grrrr, hiccup in plans to be in and out in under 5 minutes and on the way to the beach) into a more pleasant shopping trip I decided to look for all things PINK!
Guess what? There are sooooo many items that are pink...
In the Must Haves for the Beach...
And this little item was just too, too cute to pass up...
And more flamingo...("Ya gotta remember we're at the coast," says my friend)
It truly amazes me that so many of the beach supplies were located close (side by side) to the toy department! Have you ever noticed the amount of pink toys? Does this mean little girls buy more? Just sayin...
Okay with sunscreen in hand we are on the way to checkout! WaHoooo! But wait...more PINK!
And while waiting in line...(Have you noticed that these big supercenters have 30+ check out lanes but only a very few are really open?)
I'm linking to Beverly's Pink Saturday!

While visiting

I found the sweetest blog...

Go over and visit and see their amazing furniture!
I'm sending you roses, PINK roses!!
I hope you've had fun in the supercenter with my friend and me finding all the colors of pink! And Yes, we finally made it to the beach to witness someone's wedding! Guess what? The bridesmaids wore PINK! Too funny!!
Have a Blessed Day!! And see you down the junkin' road!!