Key West is defined as an island in the Straits of Florida at the southernmost tip of the Florida Keys. Key West is home to the southernmost point in the Continental United States and about 90 miles from Cuba.
Actually standing here you are closer to Cuba than you are to Miami!!
While there we heard the locals referred to as Conchs. Of course this made me wonder why? Soooooo with the help of Wikipedia I have found an answer!!
"Many residents of Key West were immigrants from the Bahamas. And many are the descendants of Loyalists that fled from the nearest Crown Colonies during the American Revolution. The term is now generally referred to all residents of Key West. Freshwater Conch is the named given to those not born there but have lived in the area at least seven years. True Conchs applies only to those of European ancestry who immigrated from the Bahamas."
Okay, enough history lesson for today!!
Traveling down Highway 1 was an experience...bridges, water, fishing...
(I think this is part of the old bridge system to Key West!)
One of the local favorites as well as for the tourist crowd is No Name Key. Before the highway was completed the ferry loaded and unloaded at this small, out of the way key! And of course an eating and drinking establishment was needed! Thus NO NAME PUB!!
The inside was quite fascinating...covered in dollar bills!!
Great insulation, huh?? Estimated 130,000 to 150,000 and still counting!!
No Name Key is also a great place to see the Key Deer! Small (about 24 inches in height), endangered species...unfortunately we were not able to see any...but next time...
Arriving in Key West there is soooo much to do and see!! You can ride the trams, bike, or walk. The area has a carnival atmosphere! Music, music, people, people!! No wonder Hemingway found it a great place to write! And President Truman loved visiting so much he deemed a home The Little White House!
A rich history...
(I can see this light on my lake! I bet you can find a place for one too!!)
And I can't forget to mention the chickens! Roosters, hens, chicks...everywhere, in trees, streets, patios, gardens, alleyways...
Can you say CHICKEN WARS?? There are many articles written about the chickens of Key West! If interested...
Of course one of the absolutely best, fantastic, most endearing, dare I say romantic, the sunsets...
I hope you've enjoyed a small part of my trip to The Keys! I've really enjoyed sharing it with y'all!!
Have a Blessed Day!! And see ya down the junkin' road!!
Inviting you to party with me and the friends over at...